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Cancer Risk Assessment

Are you worried about your risk of cancer and whether you need additional cancer screening? We provide comprehensive personalized risk assessment and screening plans. 

Our cancer risk assessment is a 60-minute consultation which will explore your personal and family history of cancer as well as your medical history. We use this information to provide you with a detailed risk assessment which explains the risk of you developing cancer, ways to lower this risk and whether genetic testing would be helpful for you or your family. We provide a full report with clear screening management recommendations such as increased mammogram surveillance or colonoscopies, which explain what is available on the NHS and the current NICE guidelines. 

Cancer Genetic Testing

Cancer Genetic Testing

Have you been told or are you concerned that you need cancer genetic testing? We offer comprehensive and affordable genetic testing for most cancer types, including BRCA1 and BRCA2 testing.

We will assess your medical and family history and explain the risk that you or a relative have a genetic variant that causes an increased risk to specific types of cancer. We will explore the risks and benefits of genetic testing and you should you decide to proceed with genetic testing arrange this.

Cancer Genetic Testing
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Specialised Genetic Counselling

There are approximately 25 000 genes in every cell of our body and it is possible to have pathogenic variants (faults) in any of these genes. Individuals with pathogenic variants in some genes may have an increased risk of certain types of disease; while variants in other genes may mean a couple has an increased risk of having a child with a condition.

Some people may seek genetic counselling because they are planning to have children and know that they are a carrier of specific disease, and their partner wants to be tested; while other couples may not be at increased risk but would like to have carrier testing to increase their chances of having a healthy baby.

Alternatively, in some families, individuals may be concerned because their relative has been diagnosed with a genetic condition and they want to know if they also have it.

By asking you detailed information about your medical and family history we can determine what risk (if any) you have and discuss any options available to you.

We can explain most genetic conditions and discuss how they are inherited. Where further genetic testing is necessary we will advise you how much this would cost, how long the results would take and the potential implications. If NHS testing is an option for you we will also discuss this.

Our specialised genetic consultation costs £175 and lasts approximately 45 minutes. You will be provided with a full report with recommendations following your consultation.

Please note: we can not assess paediatric patients and are unable to offer genetic testing for children.

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Post-test genetic counselling

Genetic testing can be very confusing and there are an array of tests and providers available. For individuals who have already had genetic testing but do not fully understand their results we can provide post-test counselling.

We are able to explain most types of genetic test result and explore how they can be used to best protect your and your family’s future health. Depending on the test(s) you’ve had our consultation will usually focus on the following:

1) What was found on the test result

2) If a genetic variant was identified what this means for your health and how it is inherited

3) A risk assessment regarding any family history that you are concerned about

4) Potential implications for your relatives

5) Future steps including screening and referrals where necessary

If you are shown to have an increased risk of a condition, we will be happy to refer to the appropriate specialists. Equally if you have a risk of having a child with a genetic condition we would explore the options available to you such as PGD (Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis) and/or testing in pregnancy.

Please be aware: unfortunately, not all genetic tests are equal and sometimes we may need to tell you that your test is not as comprehensive as you hoped and, in some situations, you may need further testing.

Our consultations cost £175 and last approximately 45 minutes. You will be provided with a full report with recommendations following your consultation.

If you would like to book a consultation please also email your genetic report to: [email protected]

Genetic Risk Score

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, affecting 1 in 8 women while prostate cancer affects the same number of men (1 in 8) and is the most common cancer in men. Colorectal cancer and melanoma are also common cancers. Cancer is frequently seen in the older population and occurs by chance. However, cancer also be hereditary in some families and specific risk factors can cause an increased.


Traditionally genetic testing has looked at faults (mutations) in one or several genes which affect the way the gene works and causes a significantly increased risk of cancer.  For some individuals with a personal or family history of cancer this type of genetic testing may be most appropriate (click here for more information – link to cancer genetic testing) and this will be discussed during your genetic consultation. However, for individuals with no personal history or significant family history of cancer a genetic risk score can help to determine their 10 year and lifetime risk of certain types of cancer, which can help them target their cancer screening.


The genetic risk score looks multiple small genetic changes (known as SNPS or Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) which individually have little impact on the overall risk of cancers but can modify a person’s cancer risk when looked at together to form a polygenic risk score.


Women can have a genetic risk score looking at breast cancer, colorectal cancer and melanoma; while the genetic risk score for men looks at prostate cancer, colorectal cancer and melanoma. For each of the relevant three cancers individuals will be given will be given a lifetime and 10-year risk of the cancer.  For breast cancer your genetic counsellor will use the polygenic risk score provided along with information about your family history and personal medical history to further personalise your risk of breast cancer.


For each cancer type you will be given screening advice and information about ways to lower your risk of cancers.


No. Individuals at risk of faults in these genes should consider genetic testing for one of the cancer panels we provide instead or additionally. This will be fully discussed during your consultation.

No. Genetic testing and particularly polygenic risk scores are complicated and we want to ensure that you are fully aware of what you are being tested for, that the tests we offer are appropriate and that we have fully assessed your risks of cancer.

The Genetic Risk Score estimates the risk an individual will develop cancer. It can not be used to determine the risks to their children or siblings as these may vary. Any individual who wants to know their risks would need to have their own testing.

Anyone over the age of 18 can have testing for the genetic risk score. However, it is important to be aware that prostate screening does not start before the age of 40 and breast cancer screening does not start before 30 (and more typically before 40).

The test uses DNA extracted from a saliva sample to look for 2803 SNPS known to impact the risk of breast cancer or 121 SNPs impacting prostate cancer and 91 SNPS for colorectal cancer and 28 melanoma SNPs.  Each SNP used in the risk score either increases or decreases the risk. The risks for the SNPs are then combined to give a polygenic risk score as well as a lifetime and 10-year risk of the relevant cancer.

While most of the original SNP research was done on people of Caucasian ancestry the genetic risk score was validated using information from the UK biobank and is therefore applicable to British people of all ancestries.

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Genetic Experts UK

Email: [email protected]

Appointments: 0116 350 1067

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